How to get rid of foot warts - an effective treatment

cut the warts on the legs

Why do leg warts occur? What steps need to be taken to get rid of it once and for all? Warts are viral in origin, affecting various parts of the body, causing discomfort and being painful in nature.

How to eliminate this problem from the body, is it possible to do this without visiting a specialist? It turns out that warts can appear on each of us at any age, but the reason for their appearance is very different.

Why do leg warts occur?

Growth occurs as soon as the papilloma virus appears in the body, rarely such a disease is observed in adults. What causes warts on the legs? Factors can be as follows:

  • micro cracks and scratches;
  • dry feet;
  • excessive sweating on the feet;
  • weakened immune system.

You can be infected with the virus in public, when using other people's personal hygiene items. If you skip the main stage of infection, then the treatment process can be more complicated: once one growth is eliminated, then some, with increasing diameter, will appear instead.

What do warts look like on your feet?

It is impossible to confuse warts with other growths, these are round skin bulges, their size is 3-4 mm wide and 1-2 high. Warts on the feet bring discomfort and pain to its owner.

Warts appear on the soles of the feet, over time they begin to grow and increase in diameter. And also spreads throughout the body, infecting others.

Warts on the soles of the feet can be itchy, and if this is done, then the risk of purulent wounds increases, growth can lead to malignant tumors, worsening human health. What to do, how to get rid of warts on your feet once and for all?

warts on the legs

Treating warts

Before you understand how to get rid of warts on the feet, you need to understand the common types of such skin disorders. Types of warts on the legs:

  1. Simple, up to 10 mm, round, yellow, limited, easy to treat.
  2. Plantar warts on the feet - appear in places where strong shoes squeeze one or another part of the foot, over time the papules increase in size, turning into a painful disease.
  3. Flat - smooth warts, no more than 5 mm, flesh -colored.
  4. Warts between the toes - grow quickly, their constant friction will bring pain to the patient.

Do you need to get rid of warts? How to do it right?

In medicine, several methods are used with the help of which the growth is removed, to get rid of papilloma warts on the legs, some cosmetic procedures will be required:

  • electrocoagulation - with the help of steel wire, the formation is removed, the procedure is painful, and therefore requires taking painkillers;
  • laser coagulation - how to remove warts on the legs quickly and effectively, but you need to know that the procedure is very painful, and therefore local anesthesia will be required;
  • cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen, while the warts become denser, and after a short time disappear;
  • surgical intervention, when warts on the big toe, the incision site is sutured, as a result, small scars remain;
  • chemical removal - the tumor is burned in various ways, as a result, the wart burns.

How to cure warts on the feet with conservative methods?

If the warts on the feet are painful and bring significant discomfort, then you need to immediately decide on the treatment of the feet. You can remove warts with special medications sold in pharmacies.

All cauterizing fluids from warts on the feet are applied profusely to the affected area, it is important to avoid healthy tissue. After that, the formation becomes discolored, darkens and flakes off. In this case, you need to be careful not to get burns on the skin.

How to treat warts on the feet in traditional medicine?

How to treat foot warts safely at home? Various traditional medicines help well:

  • raw onions must be soaked in vinegar for 2 hours, applied to the warts, repeated until the papilloma disappears;
  • chop a clove of garlic and pour boiling water, an hour after insisting, grease the warts;
  • if there are large warts on the feet, then it can be removed with celandine juice, every day, several times, lubricate the papilloma with juice from the stems of fresh plants until its growth is completely dead;
  • fresh sour apple juice also removes warts, lubricate regularly, after each drying of the previous layer, until completely removed;
  • treatment of warts on the feet is often done with moxibustion, take a wooden spoon and prop its long tip over a fire, then cauterize the papilloma, after two or three approaches the warts will disappear completely;
  • you can instill with a pipette into the damaged area with acetic acid, most effectively before bed;
  • with a large formation on the heel: make a gruel from flour and vinegar, put the papilloma in its place, and apply an adhesive plaster on it, so stand for 48 hours, and then repeat the procedure again.
ointment for warts on the feet

To get a homemade wart ointment, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. watercress juice and 50 g of butter. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, it must be applied to the damaged area with massaging movements.

Magic conspiracy

Here's how to get rid of warts on the legs, you can use traditional and non -traditional methods, some people even use conspiracies, and perform strange rituals, after which the papilloma disappears.

They say that you can tie a knot of soft thread over the wart, and then throw it into the manure, on the head, and the papilloma will disappear in a few days. Is this and where to find fertilizer in the city?

How effective it is is not for us to judge, but for those who believe in it. If none of the above helps you, then you must seek qualified help and undergo the appropriate examination.

Conclusion and suggestion

Now you know how to get rid of warts on the legs in various ways. You should be aware that the impetus for the appearance of papillomas can be a variety of reasons, and violations of skin hygiene and common irritation, abrasions.

It is important to remember one thing - it is strictly forbidden to remove and cut the warts themselves, you can not only bring the infection into the wound, but also cause deterioration of health, if the wart turns out not a simple growth, but a malignant tumor.

It is necessary to carry out the treatment of warts on the soles of the feet with caution, it is advisable to carry out all procedures based on folk recipes under the supervision of a specialist, and if complications or allergic reactions occur, stop treatment.

If you know the cause of the appearance of warts on the feet, then first you need to eliminate them, and only then begin a comprehensive skin improvement. Take care of your health and be in a great mood!